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What are Enzymes for Cannabis Plants?

Enzymes are protein molecules that catalyse or cause natural chemical reactions in your plants substrate (soil etc.) These reactions are good for your cannabis plants and their growth.

Some of the most used enzymes are cellulase, xylanase, beta-glucosidase, amylase, and hemicellulose.

What are Enzymes for?

They accelerate the process through which organic material in your plants’ substrate decomposes via microorganism activity, turning into nutrients that your plants can absorb.

Advantages of Growing Cannabis with Enzymes

Enzymes are becoming increasingly popular in cannabis grows, being extremely beneficial for your cannabis plants.

  • They decompose dead roots to stop pathogens from feeding on them. Enzymes turn these dead roots into food for beneficial microorganisms in your substrate, replacing any fungi and harmful pathogens.
  • They increase root growth and increase metabolic reactions in your plants so that they can absorb and synthesize more nutrients.
  • They free up space in your substrate occupied by dead roots, which can then be occupied by new root growth.
  • They help decompose accumulated minerals, turning them into small trace elements that your plants can absorb.
  • They increase plant strength thanks to increasing substrate health.
  • In hydroponics, enzymes are necessary; you’re using mineral products without any living substrate, which means beneficial microorganisms can’t survive for very long. By using enzymes, you can increase and accelerate microbial life for better results.

Choosing Enzymes for Your Grow

Practically all brands provide enzyme products:

If you have any questions regarding how to use enzymes, you can get in touch with the Huerta Grow Shop team of specialists, they’ll help you out.

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