Pest Control

Bio insecticides

Every grower’s worst enemy, whether you’re growing cannabis or any other type of plant, are pests such as insects and fungi. There are certain types of infestations that, once they’ve made a home in your plants, you simply won’t be able to get rid of them. There’s nothing more frustrating than spending time and effort growing your cannabis plants for months just to have it ruined in a question of days.

Preventive Treatments

One of the most important things about growing cannabis are preventive treatments, especially if you don’t want to end up with a problem that can easily get out of control. This is easily done by using preventive products such as Leaf Coat and Cannacure, which are used to prevent certain types of insect and fungi infestations.

If you have an outdoor grow in a humid climate or somewhere where it tends to rain a lot, your plants will need extra protection against issues such as fungi and mould. Diatical is a product made using diatomaceous earth, which can be used as a preventive measure against certain types of fungi and insects. We also highly recommend Ekisan, a product made using horsetail which can also prevent different types of fungi from appearing.

Make sure to frequently check on your plants in order to detect possible insect markings, spores or other types of fungi or insect evidence in order to begin fighting it as soon as possible. If you find that your plants have already been infested, you’ll need to use stronger methods to get rid of them depending on the strain.

Insects and fungicides can be divided depending on their origin; mineral or bio.

Bio and Chemical Pest Control

Insecticides for cannabis

At La Huerta Grow Shop we highly recommend bio and organic pest control in cannabis plants; it’s eco-friendly and better for your plants, as well as being much safer to use than chemical products.

Bio insecticides and fungicides don’t tend to leave any residues behind and can be used during both the growth and flowering stages. This is the best way to prevent insect infestations in your plants in a healthy and safe way. Some examples of bio-insecticides are:

  • Spruzit: wide spectrum bio insecticide that kills off eggs.
  • Plant Vitality Plus: microorganism extract that protects your plants from mites.
  • Mobet: organic leaf protector designed to be used during the flowering stage.

If you’re going to be using chemical insecticides and fungicides, it’s important to note that, even though they tend to be more effective, they leave a longer lasting residue in your plants which means they should only be used during the growth stage.

  • Solfac: this insecticide is used for cleaning rooms and grow tents after an infestation; it sprays the entire room automatically and works for all types of insects.
  • Lexor25: this fungicide is super efficient against oidium, rust and Alternaria; it’s used to prevent, cure and eradicate infesations.

La Huerta Grow Shop’s Insecticide and Fungicide Catalog

Insecticides for cannabis

In this section you’ll be able to find all types of products designed for preventing and controlling infestations in cannabis plants. Plus, you can also find the product you’re looking for depending on the stage your plants are in (growth and flowering), types of infestations or fungi, as well as composition and brand.

  • Growth stage: here you can find preventive products, insecticides and fungicides designed for growth and flowering. We highly recommend using preventive treatments during the growth stage, as you’ll be able to spray your plants without soaking any flowers, which also means that you can use more potent products.
  • Types of insects or fungi: if you want to prevent or get rid of a specific type of infestation you can use this section to find insecticides and fungicides for all types of insects and fungi, including caterpillars, oidium, fusarium and many more.
  • Composition: in this section you’ll be able to find preventive products and pesticides of all types divided by their composition; bio or chemical.

If you want to prepare your own arsenal of preventive products, La Huerta Grow Shop also has a section containing complete insecticide and fungicide kits in order to prevent, protect and eradicate all types of infestations.

If you have any questions regarding using insecticides and fungicides to keep your plants healthy and safe, check in with our team of professionals; we’ll protect your plants together! 

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